Privacy Policy

A necessary condition for the commencement of the conciliation between us is the disclosure by you of some of your personal information. When you place an order, we will ask you for your full name, the address to which the products sold will be sent, your landline number (or any other phone you want to be used for your best service), your email address (e-mail) etc.

Pantopolio 1922, strictly following the principles of personal data protection provided by the relevant laws and international conventions, will not make any unfair use without your prior approval. Our Company in no way discloses, publishes, sells, exchanges personal data and information that you trust us. Exceptionally, your personal information may be disclosed by the company, always observing the procedure provided by law when this is required by a Public Authority, court, etc.

Pantopolio 1922 reserves the right to inform its suppliers with statistical sales statements, which in any case will not contain personal information that may lead to the identification of individuals.

You can also at any time, if there is a reason, change the personal information you have disclosed to us or limit or cancel the use of some of this information by filling out the relevant online form.


This website contains material which belongs to the company “Pantopolio 1922”. This material includes the design, layout, layout, graphics, and text of the web pages. Reproduction in any form of the above material for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. In case you want to use part of the material, all you have to do is ask our permission.

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